
MEDICAL ENERGY, INC. is the most technologically advanced medical laser manufacturer…

Since 1987, we have consistently and successfully delivered our “Total Commitment to Excellence” to the worldwide medical marketplace.

As a private company headquartered in Pensacola, Florida, MEDICAL ENERGY has consistently infiltrated U.S. and foreign markets with our concierge-style delivery of advanced surgical lasers and allied accessories for nearly 3 decades.

To date, our LF-Series™ GOLD Laser® Systems are the most state-of-the-art laser light technology available globally. Our highly trained Clinical Laser Consultants, Electro-Optical Engineers, and Customer Satisfaction Representatives have been some of our strongest assets, giving us the edge necessary to be the pacesetter in our field.

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MEDICAL ENERGY, INC. is dedicated to patients worldwide…they are our FIRST priority in every aspect of our business. From product design and safety, to physician education and training, to charity donations. We are committed to donating equipment to hospitals and clinics in need – especially in third world countries where medical equipment is scarce.

From Vietnam to Mexico, Egypt to Vanatua…we have donated our GOLD Laser Technology and disposable fiber optics to serve children who need airway surgery, tonsillectomies, and palate reconstruction. We have also supplied equipment for mission trips and emergency situations at a moment’s notice.

If you would like to participate in our philanthropic endeavors, please contact Michelle Scott-Lewing, Vice President, at [email protected].

If you would like to make a donation to our cause – make your charitable donation to:
Medical Energy Philanthropy Division c/o MEDICAL ENERGY, INC. P.O. Box 11275 Reno, NV 89510